Of Counsel
Andrej Plahutnik
Andrej is a former director of the Competition Protection Office, who accepted the challenge of establishing and managing of this institution after a successful career in companies competing on international markets. In addition to managing the competition authority and establishing a system of state aid control and introducing a system of trade protection measures, especially anti-dumping, he also actively participated in the negotiations of the Republic of Slovenia for accession to the European Union. Under the programs, primarily managed by the European Union and the OECD, Andrej Plahutnik advises governments of different countries in their pre-accession negotiations for accession to the European Union, especially in the field of competition law and policy. As a Team Leader or Senior Expert in long term technical assistance projects he cooperates with distinguished companies like GIZ, IRZ, Eurecna, DAI Human Dynamics etc. He is also co-author of the books on competition, state aids and other legal-economic issues, published in Slovenia, Serbia, Germany and the United States. He has been a chair or panelist at distinguished international conferences organized by the EU, OECD, ICN and UNCTAD.
Service Lines
Competition & Antitrust