
PROGRES conference

05. 09. 2024

Law firm Senica Partners, in collaboration with Andersen, Pokojninska družba A, and Colliers, is organizing the first PROGRES conference at Hotel Slon in Ljubljana on September 12, 2024.

We look forward to seeing you at the PROGRES conference!

The conference will bring together experts from various sectors of the real estate business in the Slovenian market. This year’s conference will focus on a topical theme – balancing the green transition and investments in real estate.

Three panels will explore the challenges and opportunities brought by green standards and their impact on investment strategies.

PANEL1: Transformative events in the real estate sector impacting the Slovenian market

PANEL 2: Green legislation and real estate: How to manage it all

PANEL 3: Real estate as a long-term investment for institutional investors – challenges and opportunities in the Slovenian market

We look forward to seeing you at the PROGRES conference!

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