
PROGRES Conference

12. 09. 2024

At the first PROGRES conference in Ljubljana, leading experts from various sectors of the Slovenian real estate market came together. This year’s conference focused on the key issue of balancing the green transition with real estate investments.

We reached three key conclusions:

  • The future of real estate can only be as green and sustainable like its users.
  • Slovenija prednjači pri varovanju okolja, a je še veliko prostora za izboljšave na področju prostorskega načrtovanja in pridobivanja upravnih dovoljenj.
  • There is a lack of opportunities for institutional investors in the Slovenian market, with limited space available.

A big thank you to all participants, speakers, partners, and sponsors for making our first PROGRES conference a success.

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See you on the next PROGRES Conference, on September 18, 2025.

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