Law Firm Senica received Accession Certificate “Socially responsible employer”
07. 10. 2021
Law Firm Senica received Accession Certificate “Socially responsible employer” which covers the areas of organisational management, intergenerational cooperation, reconciliation of private and professional life, and safety and health at work. Our Managing Partner Uroš Čop attended the ceremonial awarding of the certificate, which took place on 13 September in Laško.
The Certificate "Socially Responsible Employer" is based on the guidelines of the international standard for social responsibility ISO 26000, the purpose and goal of which is to improve socially responsible management in Slovenian organisations and companies in relation to employees.
Receipt of the Certificate "Socially Responsible Employer" demonstrates the commitment of the Law Firm Senica to create an inclusive working environment where co-workers feel comfortable and which enables them an appropriate balance between professional and private life. Law Firm Senica actively ensures gender equality, promotes intergenerational cooperation and pays special attention to the regular education and training of its employees.
Promotor of the project Certificate "Socially Responsible Employer" is the Ekvilib Institute in cooperation with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia, the Association of Employers of Slovenia, the Association of Free Trade Unions of Slovenia and experts from individual substantive areas of the certificate. The project is co-financed by the European Social Fund and is carried out through the tendering authority of the Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities.
You may read more about our commitment to social responsibility at the following link:
The investment is co-financed by Republic of Slovenia and European Union from European Social Fund.