Senior Associate Maja Šubic gave a lecture at the Great Conference of Public Procurement in Portorož
27. 09. 2021
On Tuesday, 21 September 2021, upon the invitation of GV Založba, Senior Associate at our law firm Maja Šubic gave a lecture at the Great Conference of Public Procurement in Portorož.
In her lecture, Maja Šubic presented minor offences prescribed by the Public Procurement Act for unlawful actions of contracting authorities, tenderers, candidates, and sub-contractors. She paid particular attention to those minor offences that are most often looked into by the National Review Commission and courts. She explained the course of the minor offence proceeding and presented the sanctions that can be imposed on violators. She comprehensively presented the statute of limitations for minor offences in public procurement and the novelties brought in the field of minor offences by the Act Amending the Public Procurement Act, which will enter into force on 1 January 2022.
Despite stricter preventive measures related to the epidemic Covid-19, the organizers were satisfied with the attendance at the congress. At the same time, participants could once again learn lots of helpful information that will be more than welcome in their work.
You may read more about the changes set forth in the amendment to the Public Procurement Act here.